Siamese cat association (21.06.14)
1st BOB in the kitten breed class also 2 more 1st’s in her side classes and a 2nd
Tabby Point Siamese Kitten Female
1st & BOB Mrs H Whyte’s SERAPIS JESSICA-RABBIT. 3.11.13. Seal.A fine and elegant kitten who I would like perhaps a tiny bit bigger. Mid length wedge head with large well set ears. Profile almost straight, firm chin, level bite. Dark blue oriental eyes. Firm body still needing to lengthen out. Long slim legs. Fine whip tail. Well defined warm seal tabby markings. Lightly shaded short fine coat. A sweet tempered little girl beautifully presented.
Oriental cat association (21.06.14)
1st BOB in the kitten breed class also 2 more 1st’s in her side classes and a 2nd
1 BOB WHYTES SERAPIS JESSICA-RABBIT F 32/1 7mnths 2wks.Well grown kitten with medium well balanced head, good profile, chin and top of head. Large ears well set. Eyes good shape and colour. Medium length firm body, dainty legs and paws, good tail well ringed. Coat of good texture, points of good colour – good tabby markings. Delightful girl – beautifully presented.